Mull Half Marathon & 10k Road Races Sat 26th July 2025



Start & Sign in for Half Marathon and 10k Road Races on Saturday 26th July 2025:

  1. Registration: Number, timing tag, bag drop tag and T-shirt pick up from 11.30am to 12.45pm at the Craignure Hall.
  2. Start times:
    Half Marathon:1.30pm from Isle of Mull Hotel, Craignure.
    10k start time 1.45pm from Fishnish Road end.
    Spectators can take the courtesy bus from the Craignure Hall and stay on the bus until Salen Hotel. There is NO pick up for spectators who want to watch the start of either the Half Marathon or 10k.
  3. Ferry leaves from Oban. For ferry times – summer timetable is not yet published, but you can watch for updates on   If you are bringing a vehicle, you do need to book well in advance.
  4. On arrival at Craignure you will be directed to the Craignure Hall from the ferry – it is a 10 minute walk and turn left at the end of the pier, and left again at the Police Station.
  5. If you are staying on the island the night before, there will be parking at the hall and the ferry terminal.
    For service bus timetable – 495 or 496.
  6. At the Craignure Hall – please go to the correct table to sign in and collect your chipped running number and T shirt.
  7. Changing facilities at the Craignure Hall are limited so please arrive changed where possible.
  8. Bag drop for all runners is in West Coast Motors bus, please use correct bus for 10k and Half marathon.
  9. Race Briefing will be emailed out in advance, and on And nearer the event.
  10. Half Marathon runners are to make their own way to the start at the Isle of Mull Hotel for a 1.30pm start.
    Buses for 10k runners, spectators and luggage will leave Craignure Hall at 1.15pm, dropping off 10k runners at the start of the race for a 1.45pm start.
    Spectators and luggage will stay on the bus and continue to the finish in Salen.
  11. There are water and 1st Aid stops every 3 miles along the route, and at the finish.
  12. FINISH: The finishing line is at the Salen Hotel, Salen. PA72 6JE.
  13. Medals for all finishers. Prizes in all open and local categories awarded at the Presentation Podium Finish line. Please listen out for announcements.
  14. Please note: there are NO shower facilities in the Salen Hotel, but there will be 1 male and 1 female gazebo tent for you to change in at the side of the hotel.
  15. Food and refreshments will be available all day at the Salen Hotel
  16. Courtesy buses will take runners and spectators back to the ferry terminal at Craignure after the race – approx. 3.15pm, 3.45pm and 4.15pm.
  17. Race results and photos will be published on www.mullrunners.comby the next day after the race.
  18. Keep up to date on
  19. We regret that there will not be any children’s races this year.We look forward to seeing you all on Saturday 26th July 2025.Half Marathon Committee
    Kate: 01688 656024/07948 557067
    Jackie: 01688 302075/07882 519230